Girl killer back in court after pill overdose

By Anne Losensky

He was silent on the first day of the trial. On the second day of the trial he lay motionless in his cell in the Moabit prison, diagnosis: overdose of sleeping pills. On the third day of the trial, he is back in the dock.

In 2021, girl killer Bekim H. (43) was sentenced to life imprisonment for the rape and murder of a schoolgirl (15) on August 5, 2020 at Rummelsburg Bay. But the Supreme Court overturned the verdict.

In a new process, it is now being clarified: will he stay behind bars in jail or in a psycho-clinic?

Where did he get the pills from?

The judge: “Are you okay?” Nod. A doctor: “He was immediately admitted to the intensive care unit on Thursday last week, but his vital signs were stable.” Where did he get the sleeping pills in prison? “He got them when needed, had collected them for a long time.”

Although there is the instruction: take under supervision. The judge: “So he just pretended to swallow it. What can you do about it?”

The doctor: “Sit there for 20 minutes and wait.”

Are there any after-effects of the tablet poisoning to be feared?

The doctor: “No. The main thing that bothers him is the long periods of confinement in the detention center, which is why he did it, he says.”

No mercy

The murdered girl probably didn’t play a major role – he was concerned with himself. Even in the first trial, the psychological report about him said: His life consisted mainly of partying and the satisfaction of spontaneous needs.

Again and again he succeeded in deceiving and manipulating people. After raping a 68-year-old woman in 2001, he was sent to a psychiatric ward (instead of jail).

13 years later he had convinced all experts that he was harmless. He was released as “cured”.

more on the subject

He effortlessly wrapped a caregiver who was supposed to be controlling him around his finger: he successfully made her feel like the mother he never had.

The pill poisoning could also have been staged to get his way back. So it says on the edge of the process: If behind bars, then please in psychiatry.

Judgment on September 29th.
