Girl brings note to school and leads police to brother’s body in freezer | Abroad

This is reported by the Las Vegas police NBC News. The mother had given her daughter a note so that she would give it to her primary school teachers. The school immediately called the police. “The note clearly stated that the woman was being held against her will,” said Ray Spencer of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police. She also stated that she did not know where her youngest child was. She hadn’t seen him since December 11.

Police found the boy’s body in a freezer in the garage of the house. The mother’s boyfriend is 35-year-old Brandon Toseland and is not the father of her children. “He had forbidden her to leave the house or go into the garage,” authorities said.

‘Thought it was too late’

The mother explains to various American media that she had asked her boyfriend several times where her son was. But she thought it was already too late. “She also says she was abused by her boyfriend,” Spencer said.

On Wednesday, Toseland appeared in court in Las Vegas on charges of murder and kidnapping. According to NBC News the judge ordered that he remain in custody until the next hearing.
