Girl (17) who stabbed Jordy to death gets help: ‘Nobody wanted it this way’

The 17-year-old girl who stabbed Jordy Gruijters to death in the center of Rosmalen last Saturday, is currently receiving guidance from a family detective. And that is desperately needed, says her lawyer Robert van ‘t Land. “This also has a huge impact on her.”

On Tuesday, the Public Prosecution Service announced that 22-year-old Jordy was probably stabbed to death in an emergency. “He attacks her and she defends herself. She has her hands up where the knife is. It goes so fast.” This is how press officer Janine Kramer describes the tragic event on the terrace of De Eetbar.

The Public Prosecution Service describes that reaction as ‘necessary and appropriate’ and has therefore released the 17-year-old girl. To her lawyer, that conclusion comes as no surprise. “We have not seen the camera images yet. But this corresponds exactly to what she said about that evening.”

According to her lawyer Robert van ‘t Land, that does not mean that she is doing well. “On the contrary. She may be free, but that doesn’t change what happened. This also has a huge impact on her. Nobody wanted it that way.”

The 17-year-old suspect is currently at home, where she and her family are receiving guidance. “A family detective has been appointed who offers help. In the coming period they must relax and give everything a place.”

According to the lawyer, the latter is sensible for all parties. “In recent days, many stories have appeared in the media, especially from Jordy’s family. But there are always two sides.”

However, the lawyer does not want to say much more about the case at the moment. “Everything you say creates more pain and unrest. And it’s already so sad. I think it’s important now that everyone can process it in their own way. That’s why we are a bit more reserved.”

The decision of the Public Prosecution Service to release the 17-year-old suspect caused confusion among the relatives of Jordy. “His mother had no words for it,” said lawyer Priya Soekhai.

“In the eyes of the family, Jordy tried to protect the body of his pregnant girlfriend who was bleeding on the floor. This is just too much for the mother. Her daughter has been bullied for years by the suspect, her son has been stabbed and now dead. And now this provisional conclusion of the Public Prosecution Service.”


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