Girl (13) at home alone chases gang of burglars away with golf club | Inland

The burglars had their sights on a house in the rue Haies Germaine in Mont-sur-Marchienne. At about 10 pm they rang the bell for a very long time, to make sure no one was home. The thieves then broke open the front door and entered the house. The gang was already in possession of several pieces of jewelry when they collided with the 13-year-old girl, who was armed with a golf club.

One of the robbers was able to snatch the club from the girl’s hands. The latter immediately managed to escape and sought help from the neighbors. Shortly afterwards, the thieves make a run for it. With her heroic act, the teenager was therefore able to prevent more items from being stolen.

Although the girl is praised by many for her courageous response, the local police commissioner says it is not recommended to confront a burglar. “Police are advising people to make their presence known by making noise, turning on the lights and locking themselves in a safe, enclosed area. Afterwards, it is best to call the emergency number 112,” it sounds. The commissioner emphasizes to avoid confrontation, “to avoid the thief feeling cornered and using violence”.
