Giraffe baby Nadira born in Wildlands

This spring’s baby boom in Wildlands is getting another late summer tail, with the birth of a baby giraffe. Yesterday afternoon around 3 pm Nadira was born in the Emmen zoo.

The birth started when the herd was still walking on the savannah. For safety, the group has been put in the stable with the mother-to-be separately, so as to give birth in peace. An hour after birth, the ‘little’ giraffe was standing on its legs, still somewhat shaky.

The name Nadira comes from Swahili and means ‘special’. She is doing well: she is a healthy mare, the vet saw after checking. Mother Ayana has taken care of her offspring like a real mother, according to Wildlands. She licked the newborn Nadira clean and soon after the baby came to its feet she allowed it to drink. They also survived the first night well.

That is a stroke of luck: with Ayana’s first young she didn’t like it. Polepole was ostracized and bottle-raised by caretakers. That is why this second birth was extra exciting, Wildlands reports.

Maternity visits are not yet welcome: the young giraffe, mother and some aunts will remain behind the scenes for the foreseeable future. This way they can get used to each other and gain strength after giving birth.
