Giovinco: “Bad for Samp. Great experience in Toronto”

Speaks the Atomic Ant, fresh from the unfortunate experience at Sampdoria: “In Genoa I was unable to get back in shape. Living in Canada is the best thing I could have done”

Michele De Blasis

10th of July
– Milan

Few words, with the only desire to stay on the pitch and work. This has always been Sebastian Giovinco’s career, but what has become of it now? Last January he decided to get back in the game by returning to Italy, to Sampdoria, after 7 years between Canada and Sauda Arabia. The adventure of the Atomic Ant in Genoa was characterized by injuries, he certainly hoped for a different ending.

At 35, Sebastian can boast an important curriculum: 14 career trophies have been won in Italy, the United States and Saudia Arabia. The icing on the cake came in 2019 with the conquest of the AF Champions League with the Al Hilal shirt.

“Physically I am fine now. I am happy to spend a lot of time with my family and my children, from a working point of view I would need to go to retreat with some team to get back into the game”.

The return to Italy in January with Sampdoria, then the injuries …

“With Sampdoria it didn’t go well and I’m so sorry. I hurt myself, then to try to recover a bit before I forced it and aggravated the situation. Unfortunately I came from 7 months of inactivity, I hoped to be able to get back to the top of my game. physical condition but I could not. This is my biggest regret, I would have liked to have been able to play it in another way. To date I have not heard from any other team, let’s see what will happen. Now I just want to get back on the pitch to work, not I can say more “.

Insigne and Criscito, Toronto is becoming populated by Italians. Did you hear anyone? Do you feel like giving some advice?

“I heard Criscito a few days ago. I want to wish them a big good luck, it will be a wonderful life experience. It is not easy to adapt to foreign football, it takes a great spirit of adaptation both on and off the pitch. I’m sure for them. which will be a great challenge “.

“I would make all the choices I’ve made in my career”

Can you tell us about your transition to Mls in 2015?

“The first time I moved to Canada I didn’t understand anything, so it was good (laughs). I went there because I felt ready for such a challenge, it certainly wasn’t easy but it was a great satisfaction. I made the best path for me, you can’t please everyone and I realize it. I have always given my best in every challenge, I am satisfied with my career. Regardless I would redo all the choices I made, perhaps surrounding myself with different people . Living in Canada is the best thing I could have done for myself and my family. “

Lukaku, Di Maria, Pogba, Origi… Who is your favorite for Serie A?

“I see Milan as the favorite for the championship, because they wear the tricolor on their chest. Right behind there is Inter, in the last two seasons they have undoubtedly shown that they have the strongest squad. Then I see Juventus in the limelight with Pogba and Di Maria, I’m sure he will return to fight for the Scudetto. It will be a great season, I’m sure. “
