Giorgio Mastrota gets married for the second time in Bormio

G.iorgio Mastrota got married again. After eleven years of relationship and two children, the famous television face has joined – in an informal ceremony in Bormio – his Floribeth Gutierrez.

Giorgio Mastrota (Getty Images).

Giorgio Mastrota has remarried. Low profile

For this wedding in the mountains, the king of teleshopping hasn’t invited any well-known faces. The reason was explained in an interview with Who, present at the ceremony. “I don’t have many acquaintances in the television world“.

His ex-wife wasn’t there either, Natalia Estrada. “It’s normal, we lead distant lives. We talk every now and then. The other day I called her because she was 50 years old, however, very well worn. She said to me “I heard you are getting married, best wishes!”. That’s enough. She closed there, ”Mastrota said.

Only regret? “I would have invited Patrizia Rossetti, my telesales partner, but she was busy with a new TV adventure (the new edition of Big Brother Vip, ed) “.

Where he got married

However, the friends of the couple were present. One hundred, according to what was told. All happy to celebrate this second marriage of Giorgio Mastrota. An informal ceremony iin the middle of the mountains, aPalazzo De Simoni, in Bormio, in Valtellina, where the couple have lived for some time. Immediately after, a lunch based on typical Valtellina dishes. And, finally, everyone dancing at the Beclub disco.

Giorgio Mastrota’s love story with Floribeth Gutierrez

The wedding with Floribeth Gutierrez came later eleven years of relationship. A decidedly consolidated relationship that also led to the birth of two children, Matilde and Leonardo, aged 9 and 4, both present at the ceremony. “It was a beautiful ceremony,” he confessed the tv face to Who.

A beautiful moment, which moved him when he saw his second wife arrive at the altar. “When I saw her enter and pass among so many friendly faces that I hadn’t seen for a while, I got excited and a few tears ran away. A classic“.

How to prepare for such an important event? “In the morning I was quite calm. Flo was a little tighter than me, ”she explained. “Instead, afterwards, I was pleasantly fooled“. Referring to her emotion during the wedding.

Their love story began in Milan, when the two met in a city gym. “I wooed her persistently for six months“. After some hesitation, Gutierrez began to trust him and now, eleven years later, they are still together renewing their love in front of relatives and friends.

“It was not a choice on the wave of initial falling in love … We wanted to express in front of loved ones the fact that we are happy and that we are really well here»Said Mastrota.

