Gin Navigator | News

How were the beginnings of your venture and for what purpose was it carried out?

Navegante Gin was born during the pandemic that left the entire world in check, where human relationships were modified and we were all isolated.

One day we told ourselves that all that was going to end and that we had to design “something” to create new experiences and once again generate spaces for unity and sharing moments and leaving a positive mark on the environment.

We understood that gin, with its versatility and elegance, should be the protagonist of these experiences. Each botanical has the power to transport us, emotionally and sensorially, bringing part of the land where he grew up, his climate, his world, his people, his aroma, his history.

This is how we put together the project thinking about the union of everyone, each one generates their contribution and is fundamental as a whole, thus offering a distillate where the quality of each of its parts is taken care of throughout its process.

What is the process to obtain a premium gin?

Our process begins long before entering the distillery by doing a context analysis and understanding what is being sought in the segment we are targeting. A collection of information is carried out and we put it into our own system where we apply technology and intelligence along with knowledge and information from botanists. We define the profile of the gin and make a series of combinations to decide which botanicals and in what proportion. Then we go to the laboratory to do countless tests until we give the final approval.

Thus we arrive at our premium gin that stands out with a unique recipe with 16 botanicals from all over the world, where coffee beans add a very pleasant finish.

In addition, we have many projects in our Gin Design Lab, which is where we experiment and test the crazy things that arise. We have very exclusive limited editions, sometimes of only 50 bottles, which makes them almost collector’s items.

Why are they called Navigator?

We are from Santa Fe, a city that coexists with the river and was born by sailors in search of planting a port on the banks of the Paraná River and it is also a tribute to those sailors who, traveling the world, learned about and tried new spices and their benefits where currently We can play and enjoy them all to create our gin.

Contact information:

Valentín Ingignoli – Cofounder

WhatsApp: +54 9 342 6310354

Email: [email protected]


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