Gijs Groentemans intimates grumpy to Revu journalist calling around

Gijs Groenteman’s intimates react grumpily when they are called by a journalist from Nieuwe Revu to participate in a short character sketch. “I don’t feel like that!”

© Wessel de Groot

The New Rev calls around every week in the vicinity of a well-known Dutch person for the section ‘Who thinks he/she is?’ This time Gijs Groenteman is central, who is currently in the news a lot because he presents the SBS 6 talk show Marcel & Gijs. His environment, however, appears not to be so eager to participate in that section.

“I’m going to hang up!”

Marcel van Roosmalen, for example, does not feel at all interested in sharing his opinion about Gijs in the magazine. “Oh my gosh, Revu. I don’t feel like that at all right now. Regardless of the question you’re about to ask. It’s probably for that section What do you think? Or How are you? Who does Gijs Groenteman think he is? Well, I’ll hang up.”

He is completely annoyed with the journalist on duty. “I will ask him later. Who he thinks he is. I see him about twenty hours a day and I have a moment when I don’t think about him. I’m just resting. I don’t feel like this at all. I’m going to hang up. I hope you understand that.”

Mom is angry

Mother Hanneke Groenteman also has absolutely no need for these kinds of questions. “You ask if I want to say something about Gijs for your profile section? I don’t feel like that.”

She continues: “First of all, you should never expect mothers to say anything sensible about their children. Secondly, I prefer to give my opinions about everything and everyone, including Gijs, directly to those involved, or Gijs.”

‘No opinion!’

Midas Dekkers then, who was once interviewed by Gijs? “I saw a piece of his program, but then I got the message that I am not allowed to fast forward that channel. Then I just started looking elsewhere.”

He concludes: “You are allowed to rinse at the NPO and at the dentist. I have an opinion about a lot of things, I believe about too many things, but not about Gijs Groenteman.”
