Gigio Donnarumma criticized in France: PSG are looking for another goalkeeper

At the dawn of his third season in Paris, Gigio is already on trial: the French media do not see him as suitable for Luis Enrique’s bottom-up construction

Alexander Grandesso

– paris

Not even time to return from vacation, and Gianluigi Donnarumma is already being examined. At least media. And always from the team, never tender towards the blue. This time the French daily launches a summary trial on the compatibility of the goalkeeper with the game idea of ​​the new coach Luis Enrique who has always demanded building from below, and therefore with the participation of the top defender. A phase in which Donnarumma, according to the team, does not give guarantees. For this reason, the PSG is allegedly evaluating the recruitment of an encore holder, to stimulate competition between the posts. Among the names evoked, those of Lloris and De Gea, free on the market.

Donnarumma’s mistakes

It should be remembered that since the controversial episode of the 2022 Champions League quarter-finals – when Donnarumma’s uncertainty about a Benzema charge was indicated as the incipit of Real Madrid’s winning comeback – the French media have never been tender with the Italian. Thus, during the first two seasons in Paris, every uncertainty and error was interpreted as a gap. Hence today’s reasoning that revolves around Luis Enrique’s philosophy of play which considers that “the goalkeeper must generate the first superiority”.

PSG’s doubts

For the coach, however, “the goalkeeper can make mistakes, but he must still insist on playing from below”. For the Equipe, Donnarumma’s mistakes are worth more, apparently: “Gigio has never shown great reliability, nor great creativity in his footwork”. On the contrary: “So far Donnarumma has shown a lot of uncertainty in this phase, and on paper he does not have the technical means to meet the needs of the new technical staff”. Accusation and sentence combined for the blue who therefore finds himself faced with the possibility of having to play for the place with a new competitor.


The PSG, according to the Equipe, is probing the market. And not only looking for a deputy, after the serious accident that happened to Sergio Rico, who was hospitalized in Spain, but also for a potential encore owner. In this sense, the profile of Lloris, the former Les Bleus captain who has just said goodbye to Tottenham, likes it. Or De Gea, who separated from Manchester United. Donnarumma, on the other hand, returns from vacation on Monday, and will no longer have coach Gianluca Spinelli by his side, who after five seasons at PSG preferred to change his sights, to return to Serie A where Inter awaits him.
