Giffey still sees open questions about the mask requirement in Berlin

From BZ/dpa

Berlin’s governing mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) reacted cautiously to the push by health senator Ulrike Gote (Greens) to tighten the mask requirement because of Corona.

“Currently it is a proposal by Senator Gote that has not yet been discussed in the Senate,” Giffey told the German Press Agency on Thursday. There are many points open.

“For example, a data basis is required to justify any tightening of the measures and to achieve a common position on how to proceed,” said Giffey. She pointed out that in order to trigger the second stage of the new Corona timetable, which would result in a mask requirement in certain indoor areas, for example, the Berlin Senate would have to adapt the corresponding regulation.

Governing Mayor Giffey (SPD), Health Senator Gote (Greens):

Governing Mayor Giffey (SPD) with Health Senator Gote (Greens) Photo: car jai

Gote made it clear on Wednesday that she considers it necessary to wear masks indoors due to the increasing corona numbers and the increasing burden on the health system. This could affect shops or public buildings such as museums. “We will discuss my administration’s proposal at the next Senate meeting,” said Gote. That would be next Tuesday.

Gote provides a phased model for the mask requirement, depending on various and partly new criteria for evaluating the corona situation.

Level one are the current rules, which primarily include a mask requirement in local public transport. Stage two, i.e. a mask requirement in certain public spaces, wants Gote to be advised by the Senate next week.

Should the infection situation worsen, this regulation could then be extended to other rooms in a third stage.
