Giel de Winter responds to strong criticism colleague Angela de Jong

Giel de Winter (32) responds to the fierce criticism he has received from AD media journalist Marcus den Blanken, Angela de Jong’s colleague and sparring partner. “Yes, I find it difficult.”

© Telegraaf

Marcus den Blanken thinks Giel de Winter is a typical example of the generation of content creators who start on YouTube and cannot tolerate criticism when the real work begins. “When there is criticism of that program The Hunting Season, it is immediately like: ‘But look how great it is!!!’”

Giel responds

What does Giel think of that criticism? “Honestly”, he says in front of the camera of Telegraph TV.

For the very first time, Giel admits that he is indeed not very good at critiquing. “I think that’s difficult too. I think it’s just a bit of insecurity too. Criticism is also always very difficult to deal with. I really want to learn that too. Sorry, I’m getting a call.”

The reporter on duty: “Angela de Jong?”

Giel: “No, haha.”


The inability to take criticism may also have to do with his passion, according to Giel. “I think that the passion is also there and of course it is difficult that you get criticism, but you can give criticism and I think it is something very beautiful.”

All in all it is of course positive that Giel is more open to his critics. “You can rate my work one hundred percent. I think it’s just a bit of passion.”


The interview with Gil:
