Giel de Winter demands a thousand euros from Quote: ‘For his makeup’

Giel de Winter gave an interview to the business magazine Quote, but wanted a generous compensation for his makeup. “We ticked off a receipt of 500 euros twice.”

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De Quote manages to fill no less than eight pages in the latest issue with Giel de Winter and his incessant chest beating. The interviewer on duty, Martijn Zeven, reveals in the introduction that Giel has some star qualities. He demanded a very generous compensation for a little make-up and some styling.

thousand euros

Giel was happy to give an interview to the magazine, but he wanted everything to be to his liking. “His PR manager, who introduces himself as part of ‘Team Giel’, has a hard requirement: styling and make-up must be arranged, for which Quote twice a receipt of 500 euros.”

Sounds like some pretty vanity. “Vain but also refreshing. Certainly because De Winter ultimately picks up some of those bills himself. Oh well, we are dealing with an exponent of a young generation of entrepreneurs for whom everything has to be right.”


That Giel is vain is apparent from the fact how sensitive he is to negative publicity, for example about his viewing figures. He was hesitant when John de Mol offered him a time slot on Saturday evening for The Hunting Season.

Giel: “We have a young target group that may be doing something completely different. The press then writes a day after the broadcast: ‘Hunting season scores 600,000 viewers.’”


Poor viewing figures or not: Giel has become a multimillionaire thanks to the takeover by John. “Haha, yes, people say that, huh. You will of course receive a nice penny on your account, but I cannot and will not say how much has been paid.”

When Quote shows him how many million euros are in his holding, Giel feels caught. “Shit man, you’re the first to know I made a nice bang. But for the past three years I just lived on my salary, you know.”

What does Giel do with all that money? “I am now in real estate. Together with a business association I bought a number of supermarket properties. There is nothing as safe as a supermarket; people always have to go shopping.”


You can read the interview with Giel in the Quote:
