Giel Beelen causes unrest with radio exit: ‘CO2 emissions up’

Giel Beelen is causing some people unrest now that he is leaving the radio to go on a world tour. They point out that the DJ and his girlfriend will emit a huge amount of CO2 in 2023.

© Annemieke van der Togt

Giel Beelen actually still has a contract with BNNVARA that will continue until 2023, but in consultation with the broadcaster, he has decided to put it through the shredder. “Together with my great love Floor I will travel around the world in 2023 and live completely in the now ?”, he announced today in a post on Instagram.

Giel tears contract

Giel is very happy that the broadcaster grants him this. “My contract would continue until 2023, but for this great adventure I have brought this forward in consultation. I thank BNNVARA and the NPO for giving me the confidence that we will probably make beautiful things in the future… But not next year for a while.”

However, Giel continues to make his vague podcast Kukuru, in which everything revolves around finding your ‘inner guru’. “And until the end of the year, together with you, we will blast with love on NPO Radio 1 every working day evening. We don’t know yet what next year will look like. We allow ourselves to be inspired, carried along and touched.”

Criticism of CO2 emissions

The departure of Giel is frequently commented on in internet forums, but the reactions are not all enthusiastic. Many people point out that the world tour of the presenter and his girlfriend will be accompanied by an enormous amount of CO2 emissions and that that would not suit someone from BNNVARA.

Giel is criticized in the response module of, among other things. This is how ES1977 reacts: “Let me guess: everything by plane. In these times people should know better. Why can’t you find yourself in the Netherlands or Europe? Why does that always have to be via a world trip?”

Harmful for the environment

Ger thinks this step by Giel is just a bit antisocial. “Wonderful, if you can do this financially independently, but it is very harmful to the environment that Mr. Beelen is so concerned about.”

Papeet agrees. “Precisely; moreover, traveling around the world is a bit outdated; was still hip twenty years ago, but now a bit old-fashioned…”

DJ64 doesn’t understand the problem that way. “Maybe he and his girlfriend can decide for themselves how they go about their world trip? In any case, I wish them a great time!”

‘Worth double and straight’

Others find Giel’s departure well worth the extra CO2 emissions. For example, Piet Friet says: “Great. I hope he enjoys his world tour so much that he never wants to come back. Or that he got lost. Everyone is happy: he is enjoying the world trip. And we no longer run the risk of hearing him on the radio.”

And Jermaine: “May it be a very long world trip. Years ago I still liked Giel, I sometimes like that soft chatter when I’m in the car, but at a certain point he started to get really annoying and irritating.”


Giel can read all the encouraging reactions at
