Gibbe Staes fastest sprinter in Tombroek Koerse

Gibbe Staes fastest sprinter in Tombroek Koerse

The juniors had 116 kilometers in Rollegem, divided over nine rounds. However, a crash in the second round caused an early disintegration. A select leading group of eight riders, including Lomme Van den Meerssche from Tielt and Xander Scheldeman from Koolskamp, ​​chose to escape. Halfway through the race, four additional riders jumped to the leading group. With twelve, the juniors kept their legs anything but still. The lead of the leading group never went below a minute. Only Nand Martens had to release the role just before the end. The other eleven finished the race with a sprint.

In the end it was Gibbe Staes from Retie who had the fastest legs. He was allowed to take place on the highest scaffold, Jens De Keersmaeker and Bert Coppens came second and third. West Flemish Lomme Van den Meerssche had to settle for fourth place.
