Giant procession rises in Bruges | Focus and WTV

Giant procession rises in Bruges

The people of Bruges owe the return of the Giants’ Parade to Cathelyne Verpoort. Calle Bezems, a new giantess, is based on her and for her baptism, the impressive heads return once more. Verpoort died on a pyre on the Burg in the year 1634. The broom seller was a witch in the eyes of her neighbors and was tortured until she confessed that fable.

Corona has kept the giants stable for the past two years, but they will be able to greet the center of Bruges in the first weekend of September. They start at ‘t Zand after which they head towards the Markt to eventually end up at the Burg. There, a Bruges priest will baptize Calle Bezems and clear the name Cathelyne Verpoort.
