‘Giant bang’ gives Patricia a huge fright, car hits the facade of her house

It will happen to you: you have just joined your dining table, a car rams your facade. It happened to Patricia from Aalsmeer yesterday afternoon in her home on the Boomgaard. “It was really a huge blow.”

Motorist rams front of Aalsmeer home – VLN News

Patricia had just started her lunch when things went wrong right in front of her house: a car drove straight through the hedge that separates her garden from the street and rammed into the facade. She didn’t see it happen, but she heard it. “I just looked the other way,” she says in conversation with NH . “It’s bizarre, then you suddenly see a car in the facade.”

It is a small miracle that no one was injured, she says. “Because the heating has turned off, we even got water in our faces. If someone had just walked by the facade, it would have ended differently.” One of the windows is also cracked, but not shattered. “Otherwise we might have had glass in our faces. We were lucky.”

“Everyone wonders: how?”

Resident affected house Patricia

There is not (yet) an official reading, but just like witnesses, Patricia tells NH that the motorist involved would have made a mistake when parking. “I think she wanted to brake but accidentally hit the accelerator.” After the woman rammed the facade, it took her a while to take her foot off the accelerator. “She was panicking I think.”

It took a while before the motorist took her foot off the accelerator, according to the resident – VLN News

Due to a possible risk of collapse, Patricia and her family were not allowed to enter for four hours yesterday. When after an inspection it turned out that the house – despite the damaged facade – is safe enough, they were able to return home. Since then, local residents have been knocking on the door. “And everyone wonders: how?”


Salient detail: Patricia recently sold the house. “We are moving on September 29.” Everything has been arranged in terms of insurance, but she does not yet know whether the damage will be repaired before the new residents move in. “Maybe the wonders are not over yet.”
