Gianni Morandi shows his hands after the accident

IS it still swells and clearly bears burn marks, but a year and a half after the accident for the first time Gianni Morandi he finally could remove the bandages from the right hand. And he celebrated the event with a social post: «Want to scream !!!“, he wrote. Publishing a photograph in which he is seen exulting in happiness as he shows his two hands in comparison.

Gianni Morandi: the accident last year

The accident, which could have had far more serious outcomes, occurred in his home on March 11, 2021. The 77-year-old singer lost his balance and fell into the fire while he was burning the brush in the garden. And he himself had told of having “been lucky”, because “I saved my life. When you fall into a hole while pushing into a log that you think is resisting, and you find yourself in the middle of the embers, with the flames around, it is a terrible thing. “

Burns on 15% of the body

Rescued and admitted to hospital, he was then admitted to the center for burns at the Bufalini hospital in Cesena with burns “on 15% of the body: severe burns in both hands, knees, a little in the buttock, then a burn in the back and ear. The pain is so great and when they change the bandages they fall asleep ». But if the other burns had turned out to be superficial, those of greater severity turned out to be precisely those on the hands: the left and, to a much greater extent, the right.

The support of fans from all over the world

And during the weeks of his hospitalization, Morandi had said that he had received comfort and support from fans from all over the world, explaining that it was really helping him a lot “the affection of the people. Incredible stuff: messages from all over the world, even from Russia and America. Everything arrives: drawings, books, chocolates, Easter eggs ».

The intervention and rehabilitation

And so, thanks also to the strength given to him by this great affection, he underwent a first and then a second surgery on his right hand, then starting a long rehabilitation process: “The hand – he had told – it has almost no mobility and the road to complete recovery is still a long one“. But now, after a year and a half, it’s finally over, and for the singer it’s time for a liberating cry.

