Gianni Morandi and Luca Argentero together on Instagram

C.he what if Luca Argentero makes a surprise to Gianni Morandi? Simple: off to the social post and delirious followers. So it was. The actor went to visit the singer with his wife Cristina Marino. Inevitable the Instagram post which could not not arouse the curiosity of both fans.

Gianni Morandi and Luca Argentero together on social media

What a pleasant surprise! Today Luca Argentero and his wife Cristina Marino came to see me»Wrote the singer on his social profiles sharing the photo with the couple and taken by his wife Anna. “The famous “Prof. Andrea Fanti “, after this walk, he also asked me to take him to eat the Bolognese tortellini …” he added.

The two TV docs together

It goes without saying that the post has collected thousands of likes and comments in a short time. And many have made fun of the presence of two artists who wore the white coat on TV. “In the photo we have Dr. Andrea Fanti from Rai 1 and Dr. Pietro Sereni from Canale 5Some users write. Who would like to see the two in one project.

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“Why don’t you do a fiction together?”

The post shared by the singer, in fact, aroused the curiosity of many. What are Gianni Morandi and Luca Argentero doing together? It is probably a visit from the actor after Morandi’s intervention on the hand. But what if there was more? “Are you boiling something in the pot?»Asks a follower. “Why don’t you do a fiction together?»Asks another user. And someone puts forward a hypothesis: “Gianni and Doc would make a perfect duo. Morandi why don’t you sign up for an episode of Doc next season, that would be really fun“. With full approval from both fans.

