Gianmaria: from x Factor to Sanremo

Qhis year, the San Remo Festival will also have its ownMonster“. Yes why Gianmaria Volpato – real name of gIANMARIA – will bring a song to the Ariston that has this title. After winning Sanremo Giovani with the song The city you hate and getting second place a X Factor, gIANMARIA he is now playing his cards among the Bigs. And the emotion is strong.

“I am excited, yes, it’s a big step for an up-and-comer like me,” revealed the 21-year-old. «Sanremo Giovani was instead a competition between emerging players now we have taken a big step forward. You compete against authors who have been on the recording market for 20-30 years: increased responsibilities.

He admits to feeling the weight «of expectations towards myselfbut not for the victory of Sanremo Youth. I am preparing as best I can, both mentally and physically. I’m singing a lot and that’s all I can do. There I will try not to let anxiety defeat me».

On the evening of the duets, however, she wanted to be on stage with him Manuel Agnelli, lead singer of the Afterhours. The two will perform together with What is not thereown song of the Afterhours.

«I feel ready, more mature» explained the young artist. «I feel in good time, I am convinced of the songs, the cover, the disc. It would have been wrong to go there sooner. Certain, I am also agitatedbut that’s normal.”

Sanremo 2023: co-presenters and guests of the Festival

Monsterthe song that gIANMARIA brings to the Festival

On his song, gIANMARIA revealed that it is «completely autobiographicalwhile in the refrain many can be reflected».

The song «is mainly based on the question in the chorus: “What do I look like a monster to you?”. talk about thelast year that I moved to Milan, alone. I have completely dedicated to musicI knew there was a lot of work ahead of me afterwards X Factor».

Sanremo, 73rd Italian Song Festival: here is gIANMARIA

The part of the text that best represents him, he explains, is when he says «Now that my sister you are a mother, tell me if we are still brothers», because «in that sentence there, the concept is: I left so many things behind to devote myself to music. And maybe I had old things that have vanished too quickly. I have no regrets, but the separation should have been more gradual.”

He then elaborated on the concept: «The most present feeling during this period was that of not being ready enough to face the life I’ve chosen and for which I worked a lot,” he explained.

Having concentrated so much on music «I left behind some equally important aspects related to my family and friends».

It is about «one of the three songs of Sanremo that doesn’t talk about love and this is also its strength. There is my identity, she talks about me, with one simplicity that is both incisive and sincere».

The experience of gIANMARIA a X Factor

Before Sanremo Giovani, giANMARIA came from a second place a X Factorwon by Baltimore. The singer made the roster of Emma Brown.

Below, with his coach

«Some may have seen the second place in the talent as a defeatbut for me it was not» explained giANMARIA. Sanremo is now «the icing on the cake of an intense year of work. Maybe I would still have gotten to make a record and tour, but without the same exposure and attention which I will receive now”.

And when he came out of talent, «I pulled myself out of social situations because I no longer remembered how to treat people. Fortunately, it lasted two days».

Monster it is also his upcoming album

After Sanremo, his album will be released, Monster – digitally on February 3 and from the 10th in physical format – from the name of the song that leads to the Ariston.

The disc, which follows his first album, I will fail (2022), will also contain The city you hatethe song with which he won Sanremo Youthalong with 9 other inspired tracks from Kanye West to Slowthai, from Neutral Milk Hotel to The National.

The disc, as he said, «is one accurate diagnosis about what happened in my senior year. There is all of me. In a word it is a disc very personal». If only all “monsters” were like this…

