Gianmarco Tamberi: The Olympic champion returned to his outrageous beard style

High jumper Gianmarco Tamberi won Olympic gold without a beard, but now he is using the criticized half-beard again.

This is what Gianmarco Tamberi looked like in Rome on Thursday … AOP

Italian high jumper Gianmarco Tamberi30, drove very half of his face smoothly in many races since 2011, but did not drive the left.

The so-called half-beard sparked controversy, and a few fashion journalists, among others, described the boot man’s style as obscene.

– I hate races where spectators don’t get in the mood. That’s why I always try to entertain them, Tamberi said in 2015.

– This beard entertains the audience. It has become my trademark, he continued.

Tamberi said he hears shouts from the audience in every race – for and against.

– I get strength from the audience. It gives me a unique adrenaline rush. The more crowds there are in the auditorium, the better I can motivate myself. When there are few fans, I usually jump 10 to 15 cents less.

Last season in Tokyo, he achieved Olympic gold without a beard. The same expenditure continued during the reign of the World Championship bronze, and at the beginning of the outer track season in 2022.

In May 2022, the first three outdoor track races of the season ended with modest results of 215–225.

In the gold series race at the Ostrava GP on May 31, Tamberi won with a result of 230. He had ridden half a beard.

– All means must be used. When the result came, continuing with this beard style, he chuckled at the press conference after the Ostrava race.

At a press conference ahead of the Rome Diamond League race on Wednesday, Tamberi performed a beard, but on Thursday he competed in a half-beard.

The Italian record is 239 for 2016.

Rome went on Thursday 224 until the bar fell three times from a height of 227. The race is still underway, but Tamberi will remain in third place.

… and this Wednesday. AOP
