Gianmarco Tamberi, gold medal and wedding with Chiara Bontempi

D.fter the Olympic gold in Tokyo last year and the Italian title this year in Rieti, Gianmarco Tamberi he also returned to the podium at the European Championships in Munich. The 30-year-old athlete, who set his personal best at 2.39 meters in Munich six years ago, outclassed German Potye and Ukrainian Protsenko already at 2.30 meters. And it brought home yet another success of his career. But the highest jump of him, the real one, the one that will change his life, Half-Shave (“Half Beard”, nickname given to him for the particular look that has distinguished him in so many races) will the first of September. Day on which finally he will marry his Chiara Bontempi (27 years old) in Pesaro, in the Renaissance setting of Villa Imperiale.

“Yes, I do” proof marriage proposal: five ideas to impress

Gianmarco Tamberi and the wedding with Chiara Bontempi

An appointment that Gimbo (another nickname of the athlete) has been waiting for for some time. After many years of engagement, the fairytale marriage proposal, with a bunch of roses, candles to warm the atmosphere and a box with a ring, she had put it forward last year before leaving for Tokyo. Then, in March, the wedding date was revealed. And a few days ago, on 8 August, the marriage banns were exhibited in the Praetorian Register of the Municipality of Ancona.

The victory dedicated to the future wife

The fateful date is therefore getting closer and closer, and for this very reason Tamberi dedicated the victory in Monaco to his better half. Immediately after the jump he showed her a heart mimicked with his hands, and then showed her ring finger on which the wedding ring will fit in a few days. And, at the end of the ceremony, he went up to the stands to embrace the woman that he, he had told in January at Corriere della Sera, «He knows how to stand by my side like no one. In Tokyo she was indispensable. Maybe because we grew up together. She was 14, I was 17. There is mutual respect. You have the same values, loyalty and honesty as I do ».

A video that went viral

A romantic gesture that did not escape the cameras and that immediately bounced on social media, where the video of the dedication to Chiara went viral. And now that the sporting commitment has led to the umpteenth victory, Gianmarco can take a few days off before the yes. So much so that, immediately after getting off the podium, he has already admitted that the next few days will be dedicated to both the final preparations and the bachelor party with friends who should join him today in Germany. The bachelor party, in fact, confirmed the athlete to the microphones after the victory, “we wanted to do it with gold: I finally have some relaxation“.

