Ghelamco sells hotel doors in Warsaw | Economy

In 2022, Ghelamco will be cooking another part of the complex in the hotel doors of the apartment building. The sales of two large cantors, in Google Poland, brought a total of 583 million euros.

The delivery of the hotel doors is open, but Ghelamco on Linkedin never confesses. On the basis of the half-year version of midden 2023, the letter ‘De Tijd’ is worth a price of 69 million euros on the gates. In the year of 2022, the money will be worth 75 million euros, the building promoter will have an opening door.

The gate, 86 meters above sea level, telt 21 verdiepingen and the house is in the Crowne Plaza as a Holiday Inn Express. The two cantoortors now have their own home in Google, at 130 meters above sea level.

Gheysens has been working for 30 years in Poland. With Ghelamco the number will be on the Kantorenmarkt. The West-Vlaamse landbouwerszoon bouwde he various cantonal complexes, on the sea the highest gates of the city.
