GGZ Drenthe launches app: ‘Helps loved ones support people with psychological problems’

The developers hope that loved ones will also become more assertive with the help of the app. “In practice, this is really necessary,” says Aad de Wild, chairman of the advisory group. “They often say: ‘Ooh, that’s the practitioner, what can I say and what can’t I?’ But it is very important to ask questions, even as a loved one.”

According to De Wild, a loved one has a lot of information that a practitioner can use. “Sometimes it is overestimated.” People can also ask questions or make recommendations via the app. This could improve care.

GGZ Drenthe says it is the first institution with such an app. Other organizations can use it if they wish. “Look, we will of course support the app from GGZ Drenthe with information from participants from Drenthe. But we do not want to keep the app exclusive, everyone can use our format if they want.”
