GGD Drenthe is administering more corona shots than expected, especially in the last few weeks

More than 91,000 people received a corona shot in Drenthe in the past three months. This is reported by GGD Drenthe, which speaks of a good turnout. It was expected that around 75,000 injections would be administered, but more people than expected received a vaccination against the coronavirus.

The total number is 91,443 vaccinations. Anyone who is at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from the coronavirus could get a corona shot between October 2 and December 29. The GGD saw that this mainly happened in the last weeks of 2023. The health organization suspects that people decided to still get the shot because of the rising number of people with corona.

In Drenthe you could get the corona shot in eight of the twelve municipalities. Previously, there were four fixed injection locations. In this round, the GGD chose eight flexible injection sites in Assen, Emmen, Beilen, Nijeveen, Hoogeveen, Dwingeloo, Borger and Nieuw-Roden. The injection location was set up and taken down at a different location almost every day.

The more than 91,000 people who received the corona shot here are not only Drenthe residents. According to the GGD, many residents of the neighboring provinces also came to Drenthe for the vaccination. This round of injections is now over, but the corona injection remains available for pregnant women and people with a referral from a treating doctor. The vaccinations can be obtained by appointment in Emmen and Assen.
