Gewonde klimmers na twee dagen gered van Oostenrijkse berg | Buitenland

Twee Czech klimmers zijn dinsdag gered van de hoogste berg in Oostenrijk, waar ze twee dagen lang gewond vast zaten. The couple will be picked up by a political helicopter.

Op zondagavond belden the men of 25 and 39 years or from the central center on the top of the mountain Großglockner. We were fluent in everything we wanted.

There was a storm in the Redding Act that woke up dead on Sunday, the klimmers were two long days later in the Glockner bivouac, a metal hat at 3,205 meters above sea level on the northern edge of the mountain.

The Großglockner is at 3,798 meters the highest mountain of Oostenrijk, located in the Central Alps.
