Geweld tegen politie en hulpverleners voortaan punished more severely | Inland

Geweld tegen politieagenten and hulpverleners were punished voortaan more severely. A wetsontwerp of Minister of Justice Paul Van Tigchelt (Open Vld) thereover is goedgekeurd. The text also contains the rules of measurement. Well, the equipment of the van with hidden ruins is punishable, not the overpowering of the vanguard over Gevangenismuren.

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The competition is based on the rules of “the people of politics and justice on the issue”, Aldus Minister Van Tigchelt. It is the bedoeling of the inner city in the working area and has never been guarded on the inworking of the new criminal offense book. This is always over two years in good standing in the parliament. Het gaat in total om vijf maatregelen.

1. Geweld tegen politie en hulpverleners punished more severely

There comes a criminal penalty for the protection of politics, hulpverleners and other protective measures. Feiten van geweld the bijvoorbeeld was punished with 1 to 3 years cel, was punished with a two punishment from 3 to 5 years india ze gepleegd tegen één van several functions. This has been doodslag, torture and on-menselijke treatment toegevoegd aan de lijst with misdrijven waarvoor a bijkomende penal verzwaring geldt. The lijst van beschermde functions wordt uitgebreid with onder sea advocates, journalists and all the zorgberoepen and de bescherming van agents slaat op alle politieambtenaren, you also agents aan het onthaal.

2. Voertuigen uitrusten with hidden ruins punishable

This is the property of the owner of a car with a concealed vehicle (including drugs and weapons) which can be punished with a maximum amount of 20,000 euros. As the car is in a state of hair, there can be a penalty of 6 months after 3 years before the crime. India men’s cars uitrust with hidden ruins as illegal beroep of meermaals na elkaar, kan de straf oplopen dead 5 years celstraf.

3. Overgooien van voorwerpen over gevangenismuren punishable

However, in a new way, the law has been overtaken by criminals and is punishable by law. Het gaat bijvoorbeeld over gsm’s, wapens of drugs – a problem that the previous ones steeds vaker vaststellen. The penalty was paid from 15 days to a year and a boat of 400 to 4,000 euros. Bij recidive zijn higher tightening mogelijk. India has om drugs gaat, can still have a bijkomende veroordeling folgen.

4. Weerspannigheid met arbeidsongeschiktheid punished more severely

Weerspannigheid with work history was punished more severely, and the work history was there. India has a word for a person with a coat of arms, is 3 to 5 years old. This was a criminal offense for 6 months, 3 years old. India is spoken by several fathers, it is a factor that the law in overweging can take.

5. Opnieuw quick access to other people

The light is also a big signal for the introduction of the quick access to suspected suspects. In this case the procedure can be carried out for a long time, which is now necessary. Voorwaarde is wel the suspected institution with the quick legal procedure.

The procedure was carried out over 20 years before it was ingested, and it was completed at the Grondwettelijk Hof. If the Justice is done, it should be used in different ways, so that it will be regularly opened to the public as soon as possible in a similar manner. Grandchildren were led to the federal government’s approval of the plots after they were invoiced.

This accoord has a lot to do with the defeat of the betogingsverbod voor amokmakers te laten vallen. Oppositiepartijen N-VA en Vlaams Belang laakten that the verbod never meer in the wetsontwerp staat, terwijl PVDA dat net wel a goode zaak vindt. That was oorspronkelijk wel het geval, maar the left regeringspartners trokken hun steun in onder pressure van protest van onder meer de vakbonden. This means that the betogingsverbod uit de tekst and kwam the speedy law in the plaats.

Minister of Justice Paul Van Tigchelt (Open VLD) decided that the procedure could be punished and helped prevent recidivism. Ze geldt dus grandson voor wanneer de suspected zijn aangehouden en wanneer het om duidelijke feiten gaat, zoals wanneer de dadder heeft confessed, als he betrapping op heterdaad was of als er Camerabeelden als bewijs zijn. The decision for the court can be made in a timely manner.

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