Getting your swimming certificate at the age of 78, Jurrie Oosterloo does it

Jurrie Oosterloo from Hoogeveen proves that you are never too old to learn. In two months he will hit 79, but that won’t stop him from getting his swimming certificate. Every Monday he practices together with his stepdaughter at the Aquarena in Emmen.

A few years ago he went swimming in a subtropical swimming paradise with his girlfriend and stepdaughter. They do not know that Oosterloo does not have a diploma. And that will cost them dearly. Because he and stepdaughter Natasja van Viersen almost drown as a result.

Time for action and so mister Oosterloo learns to swim with the help of Natasja. Breaststroke, backstroke, front crawl and diving, everything passes. He hopes to get his A diploma in a month.
