Gerry Weber: Wholesale boss leaves company

Michael Dotterweich, Executive Vice President Wholesale, is leaving Gerry Weber.

The clothing supplier from Halle in Westphalia and Dotterweich are going their separate ways “due to different views on the further strategic direction,” said Gerry Weber on Wednesday. The company will “inform you in due course” about the future staffing in wholesale sales.

“We would like to thank Michael Dotterweich for the work he has done and wish him all the best personally and for his future career,” says Managing Director Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus.

Dotterweich joined the Gerry Weber Group in 2018 and was initially responsible for sales of the Gerry Weber, Taifun and Samoon brands for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. In September 2022, national and international B2B sales were merged and Dotterweich took over management.
