Gerrit bought his car via the webshop: ‘Just add it to your shopping cart and you’re done!’ † On the way

Car: Citroen Ami Electric

Construction year: 2021

Price: This version incl. delivery € 8090

engine: Electric motor, power 6 kW

Transmission: Single stage reduction gear

“I have a preference for English cars and Citroëns. When I read that this Ami was on the market, I tried to buy one in the Netherlands, but that simply does not work. Then I saw something online about someone who had imported it themselves and I immediately thought: I can do that too. It turned out to be very simple indeed. You go to a Belgian webshop, put it together, put it in your shopping cart, pay and say which dealer it should be delivered to. You then buy an Ami that you do not put on a license plate, but immediately export.

The car was not closed properly at the beginning; when it rained hard, water got in. I applied an extra strip myself and that has now been resolved. And in the winter you wear a thick coat; it drafted like crazy. The car is limited to 45 km/h and really does not go faster. So we have already been overtaken by an Aixam that ran 55. I keep an eye on what’s driving behind me, and if a line forms behind me, I duck into a parking lot. But it’s not really a problem; they are all B-roads in the area and residents are used to a lot of slow agricultural traffic.”


I was traveling with it for the first time. I showed it to friends and drove home around eleven o’clock in the evening. And sure enough: a police car put on its ‘STOP POLICE’ sign. They thought I was driving a golf cart. I explained what it is, they even took some pictures and let me blow for the shape and then I was allowed to continue. You attract a lot of attention anyway. I often have it in front of the supermarket with us and people stop for a while, walk around it. People often ask me how I got it and where it can be bought. I should have brought two…”


It’s surprisingly comfortable for a car marketed so cheaply, and there’s also quite a bit of storage space, as the passenger seat can be reclined far back. Charging is quite easy and fast enough. There are plenty of power points here in the shed, and I’ve made an outlet on the outside of my daughter’s apartment. Recently my wife and daughter were out and by the end of the day they had driven 60 kilometers. That is easy without charging and if you drink a cup of coffee somewhere and put the Ami at a charging point for an electric bicycle, you can go quite a bit further. My daughter does not have a driver’s license yet and is on the road a lot. She then goes to family or friends and knows that she can charge there. It’s the mindset, it’s not a problem at all. Isn’t this much more fun and practical than a microcar?”

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