Germany registers a record of more than 300,000 days after the corona crisis | Buitenland

The government authorities registered 318,387 people in 24 hours, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), with 294,931 a week notice.

The last day was 300 years old due to the corona virus, which happened on the 278th of the week. The seventh incident of infection was reported as high as 1,752 – still a record. The RKI said that there was a toe that Thursday for the first week in a week that 1.5 million people had reported the coronavirus in Germany.

Also in Germany it has been reported that there are infections. Grandchildren still have the rules for het dragen van mondmaskers until 2 April nationaal van Kracht. The besmettingen are always strong, but the number of hospitalizations in the sterfgevallen is kept.

Are the deelstaten real de rules local opnieuw invoeren than a location a ‘hotspot’ word.
De Duitse minister van Volksgezondheid Karl Lauterbach riep op tot solidariteit tegen “deze admitted golf van de pandemic” en noemde de huidige infectie- en sterftecijfers onaanvaardbaar.
