Germany recommends its companies to abandon Russian software from Kaspersky

The German cybersecurity agency (Federal Office for Information Security, BSI), has Express concerns on March 15, 2022 about software from Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky. In the context of the invasion of Ukraine, the institution recommends that companies abandon such Russian software.

BSI recommends replacing Kaspersky with alternative products

According to the BSI, sensitive companies and administrations should be aware of the risks posed by the use of Russian Kaspersky software. This company, whose headquarters is based in Moscow, could be used by the government of Vladimir Putin to carry out cyberattacks against German institutions. The agency responsible for cybersecurity in the country therefore recommends that companies replace Kaspersky with alternative products.

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The agency specifies that a Russian computer manufacturer “may carry out offensive operations himself, be coerced into attacking target systems against his will, be the victim of a cyber operation without his knowledge, spied on or used as a tool to launch attacks against his own customers”. Kaspersky software are anti-virus systems. Such software needs access to all parts of a computer, including the most sensitive, to function properly. There is a risk.

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A spokesperson for the Russian company spoke about this statement. According to Kaspersky, this is a “political decision”. The Russian company claims that the analysis of the BSI “is not based on a technical evaluation of its products but is undoubtedly based on political considerations”. In an attempt to reassure German companies, Kaspersky recalls that it has already relocated part of its activities to Switzerland and that it was possible to examine the source code of its main software.

France is in the same position as Germany. The National Agency for Security and Computer Systems (Anssi), the equivalent of the BSI, recently warned French companies against possible cyberattacks from Russia. Anssi considers that in this context, the reinforcement of the level of vigilance is essential to guarantee the protection of French companies. Western countries are not suspicious of Kaspersky by chance. In 2017, the company’s software already allowed the Kremlin to spy on the United States.
