Germany is ‘over’: Russia oil boycott is getting closer

From left to right Lithuanian minister Gabrielius Lansbergis, German minister Annalena Baerbock, Latvian minister Edgars Rinkevics and Estonian minister Eva-Maria Liimets at a press conference after their consultation Wednesday in Riga, Latvia.Image ANP / EPA

‘I say it loud and clear: yes, Germany is also phasing out all imports of Russian energy’, said Baerbock after consultations with her Baltic colleagues. By the summer, German oil imports from Russia should be halved and completely stopped by the end of the year. The next step is that the import of Russian gas will be phased out, Baerbock said, but did not give a date for that.

The European Commission has been negotiating with EU countries for some time about a sixth sanctions package against Moscow as a punishment for the invasion of Ukraine. A ban on the import of Russian oil is the main point of discussion. In addition to Germany, Hungary also opposed such a measure. Bulgaria, Austria and Romania are also not enthusiastic because they are dependent on Russian imports. Now that Berlin is ‘over’, pressure is mounting on the other opponents of an oil boycott.

Ukrainian President Zelensky predicted earlier in the day that German resistance would break under “united pressure” from many EU countries, the US and the UK. EU President Michel joined Zelensky’s comments after a lightning visit to Kyiv. ‘Sooner or later, we will disconnect from Russian gas and oil,’ says Michel. Revenues from gas and oil exports are important for Moscow to finance the war against Ukraine.

‘No words’

In addition to Kyiv, Michel also visited Borodjanka, one of the Ukrainian places where Russian troops have gone wild. ‘I have no words for what I feel, as a father, as a person,’ Michel said about what he had seen. The EU is helping Kyiv map the atrocities committed by Russian soldiers and the prosecution of the perpetrators. “They must be punished, they will be punished,” said Michel.

The EU president said the Commission will issue its opinion on Ukraine’s application to join the EU as early as June. That is more than twice as fast as happened with previous membership requests. On the basis of the Commission’s opinion, the Member States decide unanimously whether Ukraine will be granted candidate status. If it gets one, years of tough negotiations will follow before the country can join the EU. Prime Minister Rutte has repeatedly stated in recent weeks that he does not want an accelerated procedure for Kyiv.

EU President Charles Michel and Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky hold a press conference in Kyiv on Wednesday after Michel's visit to Ukraine.  Image AP

EU President Charles Michel and Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky hold a press conference in Kyiv on Wednesday after Michel’s visit to Ukraine.Image AP

Michel announced that an international donor conference for the reconstruction of Ukraine will start on May 5. Countries, but also international organizations such as the IMF and the World Bank, are asked to contribute. According to Zelensky, the money is not only needed for reconstruction, but also for the current payment of wages and pensions.


According to the Ukrainian president, countries are increasingly willing to supply weapons to his country to fight Russian troops. EU countries are doing this themselves, but 1.5 billion euros have also been made available through the EU budget for arms purchases by Ukraine. In addition, the first five sanction packages have frozen the assets of hundreds of Russians, the Russian financial sector has been squeezed, import bans on goods from Russia (including coal) are in place and European exports of some goods to Russia are limited.

Zelensky called on the EU to move forward. He also wants the large Gazprombank to no longer be able to do business in Europe. “Block all Russian accounts and channel that money into Ukraine’s recovery,” Zelensky said.
