Germany has “hundreds” of evidence of war crimes in Ukraine | Abroad

“At the moment we focus on Bocha and the attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine,” said Frank. Most of the evidence comes from conversations with Ukrainians who have fled. The investigation started in March 2022, immediately after the Russian invasion.

The aim is to “prepare for a possible trial in the future – either in Germany or with one of our international partners or through an international court,” the attorney general said. When the trial takes place in Germany, the accused must be present in the country, Frank added.

Earlier, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock had expressed her support for the creation of a special international court to hold Moscow accountable. Baerbock suggested using Ukrainian law to create this “hybrid” court.

LOOK. The AP news agency and broadcaster PBS obtained footage from surveillance cameras and intercepted telephone conversations and made a staggering reconstruction of the horror in Boocha.
