Germany and Colombia plan partnership for green hydrogen

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – In the future, Germany and Colombia want to work closely together in the production of green hydrogen and enter into a climate and energy partnership. “We will have to import most of the gigantic amount of energy that we need in gaseous form,” said Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) on Friday in Berlin at a joint press conference with Colombian President Gustavo Petro. For this, Germany needs large partners in the world. “Colombia should be one of those partners.”

Green hydrogen is produced by the electrolysis of water with electricity generated from renewable energies and is therefore CO2-free. Petro emphasized that South America has enormous potential for this. “And one of the countries that has the most capacity in South America is Colombia.” We want to tackle this project together. Scholz and Petro announced that a working group from both energy ministries would be set up for this purpose.

The Colombian President thanked the Chancellor for Germany’s many years of support in the peace process in his country. The number of homicides in Colombia has dropped significantly, Petro said. But there is still a way to go. “It’s about leaving an era of violence and going into an era of peace. We need the will and support for that.”

Scholz said that the peace process is still a long way from reaching its goal, but it is on the right track. “You can count on our help in the future.”/sk/DP/mis
