Germans have little faith in armed forces | Abroad

Only 8 percent of the respondents believe that the current military equipment is sufficient to repel a possible attack on NATO territory. Nevertheless, the Leopard 2 tanks supplied to Ukraine by various countries and regarded as some of the best tanks in the world are German-made. 38 percent of those questioned believe that the Bundeswehr and its partners are capable of repelling such an attack.

In addition, 60 percent believe that the German armed forces in their own ranks take insufficient action against extreme right-wing ideas. The alleged conspirators of a recent far-right coup attempt in Germany included a German soldier and several reservists.

Only 35 percent of those surveyed have real confidence in the German armed forces as a whole. The results, according to the ARD, are the worst since 1998, when such studies first took place. In 2020, 59 percent still had a lot or very much confidence in the Bundeswehr.

The survey was conducted between January 30 and February 1 and had 1,328 respondents and a margin of error of two to three percentage points.
