German trains can be used for normal staking purposes | Buitenland

The trains of the German language are operated by Deutsche Bahn in accordance with normal service regulations. That’s a word for the first time. The trade was then lost through a staking of the train bestuurdersvakbond GDL.

The staking is now open to the public, and the GDL has to accept the enkele because it has been stopped before it has been sold and has been sold before the auction. That’s your effective request. Op het long-term commitment to the staking, which is also the largest of the Deutsche Bahn’s words.

De staking was started woensdagochtend. Ze went over loonsverhogingen for the train drivers. It was the longest staking on the market in Germany. In the meantime, the GDL and Deutsche Bahn decided that it would begin with new actions coming soon. Next week the onderhandelingen was hervat.
