German show jumping team misses victory at Nations Cup in Mannheim – SWR – Regional

After two rounds, the teams from Switzerland and Germany had to go into a jump-off on Sunday with four penalty points each. For the hosts, the German champion Sophie Hinners on the stallion Million Dollar opened the decision after two clear rounds. The 24-year-old from Dagobertshausen galloped across the finish line in 42.01 seconds. With a lead of almost exactly one second, Alain Jufer from Switzerland rode his team to victory on Dante.

Mannheim first of eight stops in the EEF Nations Cup

Also at the start for Germany were Kendra Claricia Brinkop, who lives in Belgium, with Narcos (4+4), Patrick Stühlmeyer from Osnabrück with Carmina (0+0) and European Champion Andre Thieme from Plau with Conacco (0+4). Mannheim was the first of eight stations in the second-rate EEF Nations Cup at three-star level. Another German team took sixth place in the five-star Nations Cup in La Baule, France, on Friday. The first-class Nations Cup of the World Federation (FEI) will continue to take place at the CHIO in Aachen.

Source: SWR
