German regering schrapt subsidies op electric cars | Buitenland

The German government has announced that it will abruptly launch a new electric car. The following experts have a good idea for the German auto sector.

The premium for an electric car is one of the slachtoffers of the budgetary crisis which in Germany was ontstaan ​​nadat the grondwettelijk hof in November the herbestemming of ongebruikte corona credits after the green transitie had been canceled.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs has been asked to do so in the future. A word that was recognized by this “a caring situation” was for the consumer, so the best thing was noodzakelijk “if he never had enough money and still had to pay for the house with a request for it”.

Dramatic ensued

Volgens analyst Ferdinand Dudenhöffer from the Center Automotive Research in Duisburg can lift the dramatic results. “The competitiveness of the constructors has now become serious,” said the “Rheinische Post” newspaper. Hij we are on the black concurrentie of the Chinese industry, the wordt gestures and door of the overheid.

The ‘Handelsblatt’ agency was responsible for the creation of the bonus in advance of the delivery of the 2030, 15 million electric cars in Germany because of the lifting. “The presentation is considered extremely unrealistic. Nu lijkt het total illusoir”, aldus de krant. In 2016, a total of 10 billion euros will be spent on 2.1 million electric cars, according to the ministry.
