German national team – Matthäus: German team is not improving

Budapest (AP) – Record national player Lothar Matthäus misses the upward trend in the German team on the way to the World Cup.

“The performances they are currently bringing do not show that they are improving,” criticized the 61-year-old as an RTL expert after the national team’s disappointing 1-1 (1-1) draw in Hungary on Saturday. It was the fourth 1-1 draw for the DFB team in a row after the draws against the Netherlands, Italy and England. In the three Nations League games, the team of national coach Hansi Flick “were not so convincing,” complained Matthäus.

Matthew: “Some things have to be improved”

The former DFB captain described the dilemma from his point of view: “Few actions forward, few degrees. A lot needs to be improved.” If the German team can correct their mistakes, they will belong to the extended circle of favorites for the title at the World Cup, added Matthäus.

The 1-1 draw in Hungary was a “lucky draw” for the German team. Flick’s protégés could “thank Manuel Neuer again for not losing here,” said Matthäus. He attested to the guests’ “sluggishness in the build-up game” and also criticized the defensive performance. “I hope these are the mistakes where we learn from,” said Matthäus.
