German military without ammunition and bunkers is now conquering the metaverse with AI

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After the ammunition shortage and insufficient bunkers in Germany, the Bundeswehr now prefers to conquer the virtual world of the Metaverse with AI. Whether this is a particularly tactical move and what else should be taken into account in this context will now be shown below.

Metaverse with AI is intended to revolutionize the Bundeswehr

In a world in which threats are growing, the Bundeswehr appears to be ill-equipped so far. But did you know that a German start-up called 21 Strategies has developed an artificial intelligence that could close this gap? With the involvement of defense giant Hensoldt, this project could change the face of modern warfare. Welcome to the era of AI-driven tactics!

The problem with drones

Drones are small, agile and inexpensive, making them a growing threat to national security systems. The The Bundeswehr does not yet have any effective means of dealing with such threats.

With limited capabilities in electronic warfare and missile defense Drone attacks are a critical point. But there is hope: a new metaverse with AI should offer a solution.

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Ghostplay – The revolutionary metaverse with AI from 21 Strategies and Hensoldt

21 Strategies and Hensoldt have an AI called Ghost play developed that is more than just a simple algorithm. It’s about a Metaverse with AInot only that learns tactics for attack and defense strategy, but can also improve group coordination between different units.

In partnership with the defense company Hensoldt and the Helmut Schmidt University of the Bundeswehr in Hamburg has the start-up created a digital training environment in which simulated weapon systems can learn their own tactics.

The project is scheduled to run until the end of 2024, and it remains to be seen what impact this technology will have on the Bundeswehr and potentially on the entire military AI landscape.

The Science Behind Ghostplay

Ethical considerations and legal framework of Ghostplay

Loud Gary Schaalthe political scientist leading the research project, Ghostplay has this Potential to close a “capability gap” in the Bundeswehr. The key advance lies in the use of AI to calculate predictive reactions.

This enables the simulated weapon systems to make far-reaching strategic decisions. This makes Ghostplay a kind of digital twin for the Bundeswehr, to test tactics against drone swarms and other threats in the Metaverse using AI.

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Ethical considerations and legal framework

The Ghostplay project enters an ethically complex landscape. In Germany, the fully automatic use of AI in a military context is currently not permitted. Ultimately, all decisions must be made by a human being. This ensures that ethical considerations and responsibility are incorporated into the application of technology. Nevertheless, should According to military experts, AIs can achieve their objectives more efficiently.

However, Gary Schaal hopes that Ghostplay can help To advance the ethics debate in the field of military AI. He sees the technology as having potential for a more nuanced discussion that doesn’t just look at black and white scenarios.

Threats are continually increasing

Threats are continually increasing

In view of the saber rattling of the partly war-mongering and peace-refusing politicianswhich, according to their own words, even the interests of their voters do not matter are and even the Third World War with Russia almost started due to a faux pas had as well as the Lack of insight to find a peaceful compromise like sensible adultsour country’s defense readiness is even more crucial.

In addition there is one Possible impending conflict between the USA and China over Taiwan and the essential semiconductor producers based there. In addition, the petrodollar is losing power due to the BRICS nations, which has usually resulted in war. But also the Thucydides Trap and “Overextending and Unbalacing Russia” from the RAND Corporation suggest a particularly bleak future.

Furthermore, they could own discord in some western countries make an external enemy very useful so that the population can be reunited within. Government approval ratings increase in times of crisis such as pandemics or war. This is because the population, in the same role model as small children back then, sought protection from their parents, and then did so from the new authority figures in the form of politicians. Fear is one of the most important drivers.

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Bundeswehr is running out of ammunition, but Metaverse with AI is moving forward

Bundeswehr ammunition

As the world finds itself increasingly in a state of geopolitical unrest,… Germany has an alarming lack of defense resources away. Defense Minister Pistorius wants to launch a purchasing offensive for artillery and tank ammunition, which illustrates the scale of the problem.

According to the military representative, Ms. Högl, only the Ammunition a gap of 20 to 30 billion euros, so that, in their words, we are quickly running out of ammunition and urgent action is needed. The planned investment of up to 1.5 billion euros but is still far from achieving its own goals.

Alone with that Artillery only has 20,000 explosive shells out of a minimum of 230,000 rounds required. Size Some of the ammunition also went into the Ukraine war. Given the latest narrative, which is in stark contrast to the statements of one of the… Seymour Hersh, the most renowned investigative journalist at the time should now stand Ukraine blew up the gas pipeline and thus declared war on Germany. All of these incidents are worrying, especially in the context of the current geopolitical challenges.

Due to these bottlenecks, the Bundeswehr could be severely limited in an emergency effectiveness of military operations and ultimately national security. Meanwhile, although the Secretary of Defense is planning major purchases, filling these gaps will take time, and the threats will not wait. In addition, the further we as a country lean out of the window, the more danger grows, as only a few of the world’s nations recognize Russia’s sole guilt and parts of them join together in the form of the BRICS.

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Protection of the civilian population in Germany through bunkers is inadequate

Germany shelter

But also that Protection of the civilian population through bunkers still leaves a lot to be desired. Because for the approximately 83 million inhabitants there is only a small amount left 480,000 places in around 580 bunkers available. Thus can in a real crisis Protection is granted to less than half a percent of the population.

However, even in neutral and peaceful Switzerland, a nuclear bunker can be found in every building. In addition, many European countries are much better equipped. Although bunkers can be used in the face of… Hypersonic nuclear bombs with arrival times of 3 to 5 seconds in Berlin not much help. However, more people should at least be given the opportunity.

They are in Germany A few outdated bunkers were even rented out to civilians, although good shelters would need to be maintained regularly to ensure optimal protection. In addition, these systems are often outdated and offer almost no protection with modern weapons. Because the federal government lived it last years in a fantasy world that, despite historical and current evidence to the contrary, assumed that Germany would never again be involved in a war. However, some historians argue that war is the norm rather than an exceptional situation.

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AI on the Battlefield – A Game Changer?

Education and training in the Metaverse with AI could bring significant benefits. However, the question arises as to whether the soldiers should go into the virtual fantasy world when there is not even enough money for ammunition and large shares of the defense budget and equipment flow to Ukraine, while at the same time an economic war is being waged with one of the most important trading partners whether our own defense capability and the protection of the civilian population should not have priority first. Of course, the ultimate goal should be the fastest possible peace, even if Boris Johnson signed the peace treaty between Ukraine and Russia has stopped.

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About the author: Simon Feldhusen came into contact with the stock market for the first time 17 years ago and has been intensively involved in the topics of trading, cryptoassets, stocks, P2P, corporate financing, finance and entrepreneurship on a daily basis for more than 8 years. He has also been working as a copywriter and ghostwriter in the financial sector for several years. During this time he has acquired a diversified knowledge through various training courses on the financial markets and following daily news. Since then, not a day goes by without him dealing with the markets. He publishes, among others, for,, and P2E
