‘German hospitals can partly take over catch-up care’ | 1Limburg

That is what Alex Friedrich, the chairman of the board of the academic hospital in Münster – where Dutch patients have been treated before – tells the NOS

Figures Healthcare Authority
The offer comes shortly after the umpteenth gloomy figures in the monthly Monitor Accessibility of Care of the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa). The waiting lists are not decreasing. In April, 100,000 to 120,000 patients had been waiting for surgery for months. That hasn’t changed since then. A quick solution from the own healthcare sector is not in sight.

Absenteeism and staff turnover
Thousands of Limburgers are still on a waiting list because the Limburg hospitals are barely able to reduce the mountain of catch-up care. Due to absenteeism and staff turnover, the waiting lists in South Limburg remain twice as high as before.

Also read: Thousands of Limburgers are still waiting for surgery

Private clinics are no longer an alternative to help patients on a waiting list. Institutions such as the Maastricht Annadal clinic have their treatment ceiling.

Also read: Private clinics in a pinch: treatment ceiling is reached
