German girls (16) have missed their ski vacation in Zuid-Tirol dood teruggevonden | Buitenland

Volgens de Oostenrijkse nieuwszender ‘oe24’ left the most beautiful of women in vacation with the hair of the family in Innichen aan de grens van Italië en Oostenrijk. Ze wilde maken a change.

Toen ze niet terugkeerde, started reddingsdiensten a big zoekactie. A dog from the mountain rescue service from the hair level was ready before 14 o’clock in a forest at 1,450 meters above sea level. He’s still being tested on his hair and reanimated, so he’s still alive. A fine art can still be seen in vast areas.

It’s not a good idea to have the best prices on the hair and the water. The park of Bolzano requires an autopsy. The most important thing is that it is always ready and doodgevroren is different from the hand.
