German defense minister: shortages in military material even after 2030 | Abroad

The German army will also have shortages of military equipment after 2030. This was stated by Defense Minister Boris Pistorius to the newspaper Welt am Sonntag.

“We all know that the deficits cannot be completely eliminated by 2030. That is why we have to set priorities,” said Pistorius, the social democrat who succeeded Christine Lambrecht, who was expelled earlier this year.

One of those priorities was the protection of NATO’s ‘eastern flank’. “For us, that means first and foremost building a fully equipped division by 2025 and making an adequate contribution to the NATO Response Force.” This is a unit under the NATO flag that must be quickly deployable in response to international developments.

Three tasks

Pistorius points out that the Bundeswehr has three tasks: national defense and that of the treaty alliance, as well as international crisis operations. “That requires capacity, with the associated material and personnel,” he indicated the high needs.

Arms transfers to Ukraine to assist the country in its war against Russia have also created shortcomings in the capabilities of the German army. Pistorius said in January that he would discuss this with the arms industry.


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