German coach suspended from Special Olympics

The Special Olympics Germany (SOD) excluded a cycling trainer from their delegation at the World Games for the mentally handicapped and those with multiple disabilities because of ongoing abuse proceedings. This was announced by the umbrella organization.

“By the end of the process, the trainer was immediately released from all tasks and activities for Special Olympics Germany. The trainer is no longer part of TeamSOD, his accreditation was revoked and he had to leave the team hotel immediately,” SOD said.

A lawsuit is currently underway against the teacher at the Frankfurt (Oder) Regional Court, in which he is accused of multiple sexual abuse of schoolgirls. The man denies the allegations. His defense attorney wants to obtain an acquittal. The court imposed a professional ban on the teacher, which remains in force. Upon request, SOD confirmed that the trainer was the suspect. Previously, rbb had made the German team aware that proceedings were underway against the coach.

procedure covered up

Before the start of the World Games, which lasted until June 25, the SOD had demanded an extended police clearance certificate from all members of the delegation. Participants also had to sign a code of honor. According to the organization, the coach did not inform Special Olympics Germany about the ongoing procedure.

The trial against the coach began on May 24 of this year. The trial was suspended after the first day of hearings due to the illness of a key judge. The start of the process should now be November 6th.
