German coach banned from Special Olympics World Games in Berlin

The Special Olympics Germany have excluded a coach from their delegation after an ongoing court case against him became known. The elementary school teacher is accused of multiple sexual abuse.

According to information from rbb|24, the Special Olympics Germany have excluded a cycling coach from their delegation with immediate effect for the current World Games in Berlin. The 55-year-old elementary school teacher from Strausberg (Märkisch-Oderland) is currently being tried before the Frankfurt (Oder) Regional Court, in which he is accused of multiple sexual abuse of schoolgirls. According to Special Olympics Germany, it only learned of the allegations on Wednesday and then reacted immediately.

In addition to his work as a trainer, the accused teacher from Brandenburg is also the father of a participant at the World Games in Berlin. As part of rbb research, it was noticed that the trainer is also a defendant in a criminal case. The rbb then confronted Special Olympics Germany with the allegations.

After that, they reacted immediately, the association told rbb on Thursday. On Wednesday, the head of the delegation, Tom Hauthal, the prevention officer, Keren Vogler, and the responsible member of the executive committee, Thomas Gindra, were informed. In addition, there was a personal conversation with the accused, whose accreditation was then withdrawn and who had to leave the team hotel. The coach is now excluded from any activity at Special Olympics in Germany until the court proceedings are completed.

The team leaders referred to their extensive preventive measures. Among other things, the extended police clearance certificate of the man was checked in December 2022, who also signed a declaration of honor in March. This is mandatory for all coaches.

The subject of the trial against the expelled coach is 29 acts between August 2018 and March 2022, in which the former teacher is said to have abused students, according to the public prosecutor. He is said to have pulled the children onto his lap several times during class and then touched them under the T-shirt.

According to the public prosecutor, he is accused, among other things, of kneading the breasts of a girl under 14 in the classroom and in the changing room of the sports hall. He is said to have grabbed a girl in the genital area. The chamber of the regional court issued a provisional professional ban against the 55-year-old before the hearing.

When asked by rbb by telephone, the accused did not want to comment on the allegations or on his exclusion from the Special Olympics. He had denied the allegations in court and his defense attorney had given an acquittal as a goal. If convicted, the man faces several years in prison.

Broadcast: rbb24, June 22, 2023, 6 p.m
