German boxing open to new world association

After the exclusion of the amateur world association IBA by the International Olympic Committee, the German Boxing Association wants to advise on further steps.

“The DBV will explore the difficult situation in an extraordinary congress,” said President Jens Hadler to “SID”.

The IBA was the first umbrella organization of an Olympic sport in 129 years to be knocked out for years of misconduct on Thursday.

The Olympic future of the traditional sport is secured until at least 2028, assured IOC Director General Christophe De Kepper. Hadler also interpreted the decision in such a way that “the IOC will do everything possible to ensure that boxing remains Olympic in the long term”.

In the fight for the Olympic survival of their sport, several national federations had already founded the new international federation World Boxing.

“World boxing can be one of several possible alternatives to keep boxing in the Olympic program,” said Hadler. The DBV is not yet an official member of World Boxing.
