German bondskanselier Scholz is posted on the secret documents that read: “Crucial instrument against Russian spies” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

The pneumatic building was introduced in the middle of the 19th century. Cilinders with documents from another lading have been catapulted into the system with the help of perslucht door. Begin the 20th anniversary of the founding in large streets with networks of hundreds of kilometers long.

In 2001, in the new canselarij van de bondskanselier in Berlijn also a Buizenpost geïnstalleerd. It has two lines of 1,300 meters long with 36 stations. The lijn with number 1 is the personal lijn van Scholtz. With line number 2 you can see the cabinet, Aldus de krant ‘Der Spiegel’.

There is also a word for the regering word that is used intensively. He paid 1,000 dollars per month and my fees. Het gaat doorgaans over urgente post the niet electronic of via de huiskoerier verstuurd kan verstuurd omdat het om top secret documents gaat of omdat de documents in the original ondertekend moeten. The exploitation costs 15,000 euros per year.

Maar he is still another person talking about the word: he is also a cruciaal instrument against Russian spies. The risk of Russian espionage is always to be taken into account in the invasion of Ukraine. “The best technology is the best option,” Aldus enkele functionarissen.
