Gerhard Schröder at Hannover 96 “always a warm welcome”

Hanover’s majority shareholder Martin Kind sees the handling of former chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his resignation critically.

“From my point of view, you should differentiate between sport and politics. I’ll say it openly and honestly: I reject the way the public and the parties have sometimes dealt with him. In my opinion, that’s not appropriate,” said the head of football – Second division club Hannover 96 of “Sport Bild”.

Schröder (SPD) withdrew from Hannover 96 at the beginning of April after the fuss about his relations with Russia. The club had examined an exclusion and justified this with Schröder’s closeness to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The parent club had already examined at the beginning of March to what extent Schröder could have violated the interests of the club because of his closeness to Putin under the impression of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

“I really hope and I would be happy if he would come to us in the future. He is always welcome at 96 without any ifs or buts,” said Kind. Among other things, Borussia Dortmund and the German Football Association had withdrawn Schröder’s honorary membership.
