Gerdy 2 weeks after drama in Wijtschate: ‘I want to return, but I don’t dare’

Gerdy 2 weeks after drama in Wijtschate: ‘I want to return, but I don’t dare’

The intersection where the accident happened has now been reopened to traffic, but it remains difficult for Gerdy to return to the scene of the drama. He can still hear the victims screaming, his house and entire contents have been completely destroyed, and he is afraid that more accidents will happen at the intersection.

The intersection is on the agenda of a meeting between the Agency for Roads and Traffic and the municipality of Heuvelland later this year. But as long as it doesn’t get any safer, Gerdy stays away. “As long as it’s not better here, I’m not coming back here. Something needs to be done about this. Then maybe I’ll come back, otherwise not, no. Live with that fear every day? No!”

Gerdy and his wife are the only residents of the three affected houses who are still in a hotel. They are waiting for an emergency home in Messines.

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